Output plans

Some are already out

Some outputs from my pilot research have already been put to good use.
For example, a word cloud from the Topic Modelling signposts the collection on the Data Foundry website.
By the end of the fellowship, all datasets, codes, and tutorial notebooks will be available via a GitHub repo and the Data Foundry website.



I'm also committed to making the results and research process transparent.
Therefore, the preliminary results of the pilot project are available on a public Notion board.


Co-authored with Leontien Talboom, we also published a dissemination piece explaining the project and the research, which is available on Medium. We are also going to give a panel talk at the Striking the Balance: Empowering Web Archivists And Researchers In Accessible Web Archives panel at the 2024 Web Archiving Conference in Paris this April.

But these are to be published after the Fellowship

At the end of the Fellowship, we will have enough results and insight to generate various academic outputs

Research journals with a social studies angle

e.g. Social Science and Medicine, Online Media and Society

Research journals with a data studies angle

e.g. Journal of Open Humanities Data, Journal of Digital Humanities


Digital Humanities Congress in Sheffield 2025

I would also submit the project for the annual Digital Humanities Congress in Sheffield, which publishes its proceedings.

Interested in the more creative dissemination plans?

Or want to discover something else?